The Saints and the Major Feasts of the Liturgical Year
As part of our catechesis and Christian learning provision, in September and October we will be doing a course on the theme:
The Saints and the Major Feasts of the Liturgical Year
These will be 5 stand alone sessions where we will look at what a saints has written about one of the major feasts of the liturgical year. The course will be on Wednesday mornings at 11am. The readings will come from the saints' reading at the Office of Readings.
A booklet of the readings (and more information) can be found here.
The saints, texts and themes are:
Week 1 (15th September) - The feast of Christmas: St Leo the Great
A sermon: 'O Christian Be Aware of Your Dignity'.
See a video prepared by the clergy here.
Week 2 (22nd September) - The feast of Easter: St. Augustine of Hippo
A Sermon: 'A New Creation in Christ'
See a video prepared by the clergy here.
Week 3 (29th September) - The Feast of Pentecost: St Irenaeus
Against the Heresies: The Sending of the Holy Spirit.
See a video prepared by the clergy here.
Week 4 (6th October) - The Feast of Corpus Christi: St Thomas Aquinas
'How Precious and Wonderful is this Banquet'
Week 5 (12th October) - The Feast of All Saints: St Bernard
A Sermon: 'Let us make haste to our brothers: they await us'
For more information speak to Fr Luke - who can also provide you with a physical copy of the booklet of readings. All welcome to come and join us.
Can't make it but would like to still participate?
If you can't make it but would like to still participate in some way, you can still read the readings in the booklet.
Also, the clergy will record themselves reading the text, give a brief thought or two and some prayers. To see the videos, click here.