Special Services
In addition to our regular programme of service, St Michael’s we have a full programme of special services throughout the year.
Advent and Christmas
Each year we have both an Advent and a Christmas carol service.
These services are sequences of scripture readings and music suitable to the seasons, with beautiful music provided by our Director of Music and the choir.
They are an opportunity for us to focus in a concentrated, prayerful way on the significance of these seasons, in what can be a frenetically busy time in the secular world. Each service also has plenty of congregational carols for all to join in!
Holy Week and Easter
We observe the full liturgical rites and ceremonies of this the most important week of the Christian year.
On Palm Sunday, in addition to our Masses with the blessing of palm branches, there is often an evening devotion. In recent years there has been either a devotional performance of The Crucifixion by Sir John Stainer or a sequence of music and readings for Passiontide.
On Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday, we are aided in our worship by our choir, but also by our building itself – decorated richly for the Lord’s Supper on Maundy Thursday, stripped bare on Good Friday, and reassembled (after a good polish in the morning!) with a new splendour on Holy Saturday – is a powerful aid to our devotion during these Three Great Days.