At St Michael's we often pray for Christians in parts of the world where the Church is persecuted. Thanks to our close proximity to Lunar House, the Home Office's headquarters for immigration and asylum claims we sometimes meet Christians who have come to the UK fleeing from religious persecution in their home country. It is an important part of our ministry here to pray for the persecuted Church as well as to fulfil the scriptural obligation to welcome the stranger in our midst.
Philip Bignell, one of the Churchwardens at St Michael's recently had a glimpse of life in the Anglican/Episcopal Church in the Middle East when he visited Abu Dhabi in November 2019. A friend of his, The Rt Revd Michael Lewis, Bishop in Cyprus and the Gulf, was appointed President Bishop and Primate of the Province of Jerusalem and the Middle East which means, among other things, that he is now an Archbishop.
Philip has provided some photographs of his visit and this special occasion. It is particularly wonderful to see such a fulsome ecumenical presence at this important event. As we are encouraged this week in particular to pray for the unity of the Church, let us pray for members of the Body of Christ in the Middle East and for God's blessing upon Archbishop Michael, his clergy and people, and for all in that place who seek to proclaim Christ in dangerous and difficult circumstances.